Be ready to accept the unexpected

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

Was there anybody who in the wildest of the imagination thought about the complete shutdown of the entire world just because of a pandemic?

Well, there was none.

But we are witnessing it today following the outbreak of Covid-19. Life in every country of the world had stopped three months before.

Yes, unexpected things happen in life, sometimes, in a way that is stranger than fiction!

Life is crazy, unexpected, but it is equally beautiful. It is a gift that we must cherish and admire. Even if things take an unexpected turn, we must be ready to accept it as a natural consequence. That is the secret to happiness and peace of mind.

Resilience is our strength

Why do we overcome tough situations and bounce back from disaster? It is because human beings are by nature resilient. They do not let the circumstances overpower.

Since we have been gifted with such a strong weapon, why should we not accept the unexpected? Let it be worse up to whatever extent, we will emerge as winners.

There is no need to surrender to the sense of anxiety and uneasiness.

Always have a Plan B ready

However meticulous you are in making the plan, there is always a possibility of failure. Hence, you must be ready with Plan B, always and forever!

It inculcates the habit of becoming ready for unexpected. There is no feeling of distress or depression when things do not turn in your way.

Live in the present moment

We must focus on the present moment. It is important to live it the best, learn from it the most , and take advantage of new opportunities that come your way. Whatever it there, it is the present moment. Hence, make the most of it.

A certain degree of emotional detachment is required when you want to get ready for the unexpected. It also helps you take a step back from surprises and unexpected scenarios. You remain unaffected by it.

Consider the unexpected as an opportunity

One of the best things about life is the unexpected twists and turns open new windows. You may move to a completely new path, a path that you did not even know existed.

It is a new path, which may lead to a place that you never imagined.

When you keep yourself ready to expect some unexpected event, you do not get frustrated.

Exercise to accept the unexpected

You should start with accepting the unexpected by remembering the purpose. No matter how difficult the current situation is, if you are clear about the priority, then you will find the strength to face the situation.

The second step is to control the things that are out of control. Remember, you have to always take risks. To avoid the uneasiness, you have to be positive about it.

Creativity, curiosity, and receptiveness are three qualities that everyone should have. Always be open to your surroundings.  It is important to attentive, accept advice and then act. It will be quite enriching experience.

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