Best household plant according to vastu

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

Every plant has some energy, positive or negative from the perspective of vastu. When you want positivity, energy, and prosperity, it is essential to understand the role of plants in energizing our surroundings.

Choosing the right plant is important, but it is equally important to plant it in the right direction. Every plant is associated with some zodiac sign and there are rules about planting the tree and nurturing them.

Want to know which plants are the best from the Vastu concept? Well, here is the blog to make you understand it.

Basil or Tulsi

When you think about plants with incredible power and positive energy, basil or Tulsi comes at the top position. Though it is an outdoor plant, you can grow it inside the house also. It needs a few hours of sunlight, which can be made possible by keeping it near the window.

Tulsi is auspicious, has a lot of spiritual energy, and emits positivity. The ideal direction is East or North-East to place this plant.

Tulsi is said to release Oxygen round-the-clock. You need to take a little care of it. Normally, it remains unaffected by pests or diseases.

Small bamboo

Bamboos are considered good because they denote longevity, growth, and prosperity. Hence, they are considered good. Bamboos bring good luck to the household.

It is also believed that a bamboo keeps evil powers away.  When they are tied with a red ribbon, it represents fire.

East is the perfect direction for bamboo if you want to have peace and harmony amongst the family.

The number of stalks has to be ten.  It brings good health and prosperity.

Citrus plant

The citrus plant is considered auspicious and important because it brings happiness, freshness, and peace. It is a lucky plant for everyone.

It requires a little care if you want to grow it as an indoor plant. The best thing is to place it near a window so that it can get a couple of hours the sunlight.

It requires special care and nourishment when the plant starts blooming.


According to Vastu concepts, a banana tree is holy and auspicious. It is a symbol of longevity, continuity, and good health.

In India, banana trees are worshipped. The leaves are associated with Lord Vishnu. Therefore, it has to be kept in a north-east direction.

Regular worship of the banana tree will bring immense positivity in the surroundings.

Aloe Vera

When you want to attract positive energy, then Aloe Vera is the best. This plant has superb medicinal properties. Ayurveda-the Indian ancient medical science has been using it for the treatment of skin diseases, digestive problems, and burns, and inflammation.

It improves complexion and treats skin ailments. Hence, it is a popular indoor plant that has amazing medicinal value.


These are generally used plants for Vastu benefits. It is important to meet a Vastu expert before you buy a plant. Get an analysis of the Vastu compatibility of the plant. It will bring good results. It will boost the energy of the plant manifold.

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