Communication is the best tool to overcome fear

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

What do we understand by the word ‘fear’? It is a feeling triggered by threat, pain, or danger.

Whether the situation is really difficult, or our mind tends to overdramatize and overreact, the impact of fear is serious.

Fear hints at the deep-rooted insecurities and lack of capability to overcome the same.

When you find yourself stumbling across a tough situation tied down by the inner fear more than the actual problem, it is imperative to fight with the fear first.

Sometimes, inner fear develops into further complexities and personality disorders.

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to overcome the fear immediately,

In adverse conditions such as the Covid19 pandemic, fear is omnipresent. You can not avoid it. You should not avoid it in fact. Face it instead!

Communication is the key to success

Psychologists recommend people to keep on the communication channels. The best way is to document the feelings whenever you feel fearful.

These journals become a source of catharsis to pinpoint the trigger behind inner fears. You better the chances of finding a cure.

The primary benefit of expressing yourself is to vent out the tension. You catch hold of the situation.

You are what you think

Thinking positively about yourself is the key to build confidence. It is a better way to take control of your inner fear.

When the moments of anxiety are there, you can imagine the worst-case scenarios. At the same time, you should start thinking about the positive outcome.

You need to be fascinated by your fear.  Sometimes, you enjoy experiencing the same. Take the example of adventure sports. Why do people get engaged in extreme sports?

They get thrilled by confirming the fear instead of getting afraid. When you encounter the fear, again and again, you overcome it eventually.

It is also a kind of establishing communication. You communicate with the fear and get command over it.

Feeling fearful is just a normal reaction

There is nothing unnatural to get fearful about something. The problem begins when the fear captures your conscious and subconscious mind and governs it.

You become the slave of fear.

What is important to see the fear from a third person’s perspective. Instead of reacting or shunning, simply accept it.

It is said that acceptance is the first step to overcome fear.

Communicate, communicate, and communicate

Yes, it is the success mantra. The more you talk about it, the better it is.

However, you must not forget that communication has to be positive, constructive, and useful.

By communicating more, you generalize the problem. What does it mean? It means you realize that you are not the only person who has been impacted.

In the modern era of social networking, you can create a discussion group or join some existing ones. There, you can openly discuss the fears and get a realistic approach in tackling the problem.

To conclude, fear is inevitable. At times, you get into situations that create a high degree of fear. The only and the best way is to communicate.

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