Home Vastu makes your house the best place to live

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

The energy that is the fundamental driving force behind everything in the universe is called cosmic energy.

A building is said to be affected by Vastu Dosha when it has imbalanced cosmic energy.

The imbalance puts a negative impact on our life and creates several problems and obstacles, e.g., health-related issues, financial problems, obstacles in the career, delay in the marriage and so on.

A vastu expert tells how one can balance the energy by easy and practical remedies. By balancing, connecting, or channelizing the flow of energy, all negativity goes away.

Whether it is an independent house or flat, vastu dosha can be present everywhere. In fact, it is impossible to buy a building that is 100% compliant to vastu rules as they are built on a common layout and design.

Hence, the approach should be to correct the vastu imbalance as much as possible to minimize the ill-effects.

Vastu for home is personalized

We should not forget that the vastu corrections or remedies are not generalized. It means they have to be given based on the favorable and unfavorable directions of every individual.

A vastu expert listens to the problems and understands the problem first. Basd on his knowledge and understanding of vastu concepts, he suggests remedies.

The remedies should not be expensive, difficult to implement and cause a major change in the building’s construction.

A few examples of vastu corrections

  • Use salt to remove negative energy from the house. One remedy is to mop the floor using salty water. Alternatively, you can keep the bowl of sea salt in the dark corner of the house. It has to be changed in 48 hours. Salt is said to be effective in absorbing negative energy.
  • One should not store unwanted furniture or things in the house, because it blocks the free flow of positive energy and increases negative energy.
  • Arrange furniture in such a manner that there should be airy and spacious atmosphere is the house. It allows the flow of positive energy in the house.
  • Plants and greenery not only clean the air but absorbs negative energy and increases positive energy. Indoor plants should be natural and not artificial. Which plant you choose depends on the level of negativity in the house.
  • The main door of the house should be clutter free always. It is the inlet of energy. Hence, you should attract positive energy only. Along with it, one should not keep shoe rack or other furniture at the main door. Keep the main door attractive and beautiful.
  • We should keep the house clean. Dust and dirt block the positive energy and adds adversity to the life.
  • Wall hangings, fragrances, wall hangings and sounds invite positive energy in the house.
  • Placement of paintings of nature, waterfall and trees enhance positivity. Vastu experts suggest the right things based on the negative energy present around.

Do not struggle with problems and obstacles caused by negativity in the house. Meet a vastu consultant and get the best tips.

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