How to stay relevant with kids

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

Our children are a reflection of ourselves. Yes, we want to make them like us. We want to pass on principles, ideologies, and values to them so that they can become good citizens and responsible human being.

However, it is not as easy to implement as it sounds. There is a fundamental difference between the thinking methodology and the perception of two generations. Hence, the efforts to pass on the values become a monologue most of the time.

Unless it becomes a two-way communication, we cannot expect much success in our efforts.

Behavioral experts suggest that it is possible only when you stay relevant with kids. Then only they will be receptive to our communication.

Speak their language

As parents, you have to find ways to communicate in a language the kids understand. Again, it is a timeless problem that continues with generations.

You can do it by becoming familiar with their culture. Find out the meanings of the terms they use. You have to put effort for it. Read newspapers, magazines, or online blogs to get a feel of their style and tone.

Watch their favorite TV program without criticizing it.

Quickly you will understand their world. Once it happens, you can speak their language.

Search for teachable moments

You have to be careful about choosing moments when you can give them suggestions. The moment could be negative or positive, but it should be relevant.

It takes efforts to inculcate values such as kindness, generosity, and integrity. However, it is not impossible either.

Be the expert in the digital world

Yes, it is essential to be an expert in digital technology if you want to be relevant. Your kids play online games, create accounts on social media, and access websites. To establish communication and be relevant, you also should learn all that.

Do you need to gather information about what popular apps they use? Ask what they like and dislike? Try to get their opinions about different things in life.

Understand their challenges

Not only you should understand the challenges, but you have to be concerned about it as well. You need to be empathetic and sympathetic about their issues.

If the kids get a feeling that you are there to solve their problems and not just to criticize, then they develop trust.

It is the first step that creates a dialogue. Once dialogue starts, you become relevant. It is the beginning of a new relationship.

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