Numerology – Find a path to happiness

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

It is perhaps the strongest desire in a human being to know the future. How will our life take twists and turns in the coming time? Will it be a favorable period or challenging?

Every method of future telling is based on some assumptions and concrete principles. The fundamental thing is the influence of planets on the unique aspects in our life.

The specific arrangement of planets and other celestial bodies at the time of the birth decides the basic nature of an individual.

During the journey of life, the planets change their positions and put positive or negative effects on the life. The three leading methods of future telling-astrology, palmistry, and numerology interpret the planetary combinations in their own way.

However, the result is always the same.

What is numerology?

The fundamental entity in numerology is numbers. It is a predictive science based on the concept that each planet that influences our life has been allotted a specific number.

At the time of the birth, the principle and secondary planets are governed by numbers allotted to them. Every attribute of the person- his physical appearance, reasoning, thinking ability, ambitions, and emotions, likes and dislikes, health and career are dominated by the number he or she represents.

The person experiences harmonious relations with other people if his number is in a harmony with the other person. Otherwise, there will always be an unpleasant relationship.

It is said that nothing happens by chance. In our life, everything is pre-planned by the destiny. Numerology opens the window to have a glance to the future. It also helps in strengthening the positive forces to bring benefits. Negative energy gets wiped out and the career and growth prospects improve. You get apt solutions to boost performance excellence in personal and professional life.

How is numerology a path to happiness?

There have been so many pieces of evidence that numerology has helped people in understanding them better and performing well in life.

Believing in numbers is neither a magic nor superstition. It is based on solid principles and theory. One can know about its relevance and importance by understanding the numbers that influence your life.

It is an ancient metaphysical science, which is proven and robust tool used for self-evolution. Numerology understands the shortcomings and strengths. It helps a person in understanding him better.

Get a new direction in life and plan important events of life in a better manner.

Numerology suggestions help a person to get freed from negativity and discouraged sentiments. By changing the sequence of letters or adding some additional letters, it is possible to get the hold of positivity again.

It eliminates the negative angle and considerations in the life. By boosting the positive energy fields, a numerologist triggers a programmed reaction to invalidate the negative forces.


It is a tool that can be helpful in investigating the own very being of the client. It elevates the physical, mental and spiritual planes to higher levels, and transforms our life.

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