Power of Consciousness

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

When we talk about spirituality, there are always two levels of it. The first is the self-improvement level, and the next is when you transform yourself.

Knowing who you are at the deepest core is the process of tapping into the infinite pool of courage and power, love, and wisdom.

These endless resources can help in getting everything that you need to live without fear in the world.

Consciousness brings great empowerment in life

Is spiritualism the opposite end of human life? Well, it is not. When we understand that consciousness is the core and foundation of life, it becomes the secret power the enables us to handle every hardship and challenge.

The path to consciousness exists in our minds always. We know that there are two parts of our mind. The one that gradually forms or becomes our individual entity. The other one remains untouched by the time gamut and remains free always.

When the identity emerges, several psychic elements fall away from their settlement as they become irrelevant.

Functions of the personality such as healthy instincts, skills, abilities, gestures, and so on remain intact. They become a servant of the new master-your consciousness.

It means there is a simultaneous existence of two entities as personal appearance and mortal appearance. And there is an existence of an impersonal being also, that includes within the whole existence.

It naturally and effortlessly finds the universal love and awareness that is driven by

Consciousness is the topmost functioning of the human mind

The level of consciousness can be achieved by transformative spirituality. Consciousness is the most refined functioning of the human mind because it operates at three different levels.

  • The first level is the mental and emotional level, where we strive for personal happiness, the fulfillment of desires, and satisfaction. There is an identification of the mind and body and psyche and the relations with the surrounding world. The measurement of sorrow and happiness are desires and pains.
  • The second level is more impersonal. When this level gets activated, one is driven by the wish of solving higher issues of life and the cosmos. Our mind comprehends and grasps the secrets of existence. It begins the transition away from the narrow physical and personal activities. Here, there is a clear separation between the questioning mind and the objects of observation.
  • The third level is the level of consciousness. Here, we should empty the mind, explore its identity and nature, and remain focused. The more our mind becomes focused and deepens, it discovers the state of complete independence from personal function and identity.

A higher level of consciousness is achieved when the mind blooms, and qualities of eternity and immortality bloom.

At further higher levels of consciousness, we realize that there is no difference and distinction between the mind and everything else.

Spiritual transformation to consciousness is the shift from the ego-centered world, and it tells the story of one unit of consciousness to the next. It is the struggle to attain fulfillment in its interaction with the world of infinite consciousness from the existing world.

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