Relation between Vastu and Numerology

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

Are Vastu and Numerology separate concepts? No, they are inseparable and interrelated aspects of the same goal-to bring ultimate positivity in life.

If we look at them closely, then we realize that every aspect of our life is governed by planets. And in Vastu, the emphasize is given on directions. Each direction is governed by a certain lord and a specific planet.

As far as numerology is concerned, it tells about the governing number and its corresponding planet. So, both things converge at the same point.

When we are supposed to give a total solution, it is essential to check both these elements and then the remedies to be given.

Deciding Vastu and numerology remedies for a building

When we enter a building, whether it is house, office, hotel, school, or hospital, we get affected by the bio-electromagnetic energy field of the building.

It interferes with the bio-electromagnetic field of our body. If the result is positive, then we feel cheerful, peaceful, and relaxed.

Whereas, the negative energy disturbs us.

The effects are visible in the form of increased breathing and heart rate,  anxiety, and pessimistic thoughts.

When our residence or office emits negative energy field, it is mandatory to convert it into positive energy. Otherwise, we will have adverse effects.

To overcome it, we have to seek help from a Vastu expert and a numerologist both. Using only numerology or Vastu remedies in isolation will not bring overwhelming results. When these two concepts are used together, the effects are incredible.

Vastu and numerology- their relationship

Vastu concepts emphasize on directions and their energy balancing. Numerology tells the underlying numbers, which are ruling the house.

By finding the lucky number using the numerology concept, we know a suitable and favorable direction.

Whether you want to remove the negative energy from the existing house, or you want suggestions for buying decision, numerology and Vastu concepts help a lot.

For example, the direction East is governed by the Sun, and its governing number is 1. North direction is governed by the number 5 and its lord is Mercury. South is governed by planet Mars and the lucky number is 9.  Other directions are

West – Saturn – 8

North-East – Jupiter / Ketu – 3 and 7

South-East – Venus – 6

North-West – Moon – 2

South-West – Rahu – 4  

Vastu and numerology compliant buildings make you happy

Because of their ability to bring peace, happiness, and prosperity in life, these two concepts are in high demand.

Vastu-compliant homes are beneficial for occupants because they ensure proper sunlight, air, water, and other essential elements.

Well-structured homes make use of optimum resources. Also, it boosts the personality and leaves a good impact on life.

Therefore, it is important to understand the connection between numerology and Vastu.

Vastu shastra, numerology, and Vedic astrology are three facets that work together in a cohesive and integrated manner. With their deep intrinsic relationship, they give the right direction to life.

When a person follows them together, the result is awesome. The negativity goes away, and positive energy comes in.

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