Self Realization is Important to fight depression

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

Before we understand the importance of self-realization in fighting against depression, we need to know the meaning of self-realization first.

It is a state when an individual (a person) knows what he or she truly is. The achievement of the state of self-realization is a spiritual process.

Once a person attains the state of self-realization, he develops a new vision and understanding of permanent happiness.

The state brings inner peace and deep spiritual fulfillment. It gives you freedom from anxieties and fears. And it gives you the ability to see all circumstances equal.

Self-realization makes relationships stronger and calmer.

Over and above all these benefits, it helps greatly in fighting against depression.

Self-realization liberates you from external pressures

Yes, depression is a state of mind that makes a deep impact on our life. However, is it really a problem? No, it is not.

Depression is the outcome. It is just a symptom, not the disease.

When we live our life, we have expectations and desires in every aspect. Sometimes, they get fulfilled; sometimes, they do not.

When there is a gap between the desired outcome and the actual one, we get dissatisfied with the situations. The dissatisfaction gets accumulated gradually.

Accumulated dissatisfaction builds incredible pressure.

Most of the time, we become helpless in keeping the real fear and some illusionary fear (which is much bigger than the real one) and get depressed.

Self-realization makes you free from these pressures. It liberates you from the fear and makes your mind free.

It stretches the capacities of our mind far beyond materialistic issues.

Self-realization helps you to focus on what is right

We are much more resilient and capable than what we think. Depression clouds our judgment and overemphasizes negative emotions and discounts the positives.

Self-realization is the process where we learn to believe in ourselves. Instead of getting upset, we spend our time and energy in researching the answer and adding information to ourselves.

Depression always brings a habit of living in the past. Instead of fighting the situation and searching for the solution, one tends to rewrite and recreate the past. It is like buying a one-way ticket to the dark depths of anguish.

It will not get you to the right track. You cannot change the situation unless there is a change in the thought process.

By self-realization, you develop a new way of thinking and a new way of being. You know now that living in the past will take a great amount of energy.


When you are in depression, you need to take responsibility for your life. It should be a transformation from victim to survivor.

Self-realization gives you strength and empowerment. You seek redemption instead of seeking retribution over others who have done something wrong with you.

You do not live in a state of self-pity or comforting others.

The process of knowing who you are brings a plethora of benefits other than fighting depression. Practice it and bring a positive change in your life.

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