Significance of Gomti Chakra in human life

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

Gomti Cakra is a miraculous spiritual stone. It is a type of shell stone found in the River Gomti in Dwarka, Gujarat. Some people call it Sudarshan Chakra also because it looks like the weapon of Lord Vishnu.

Its milky white color and beautiful color shades make it incredibly attractive. One side of the chakra is flat and smooth with a design of whirl or circles. Due to the whirls, some people call it Nag Chakra or snake chakra. The other side is tapered and pure white.

Astrologers say that Gomti Chakra brings good luck and it is useful in tantric and spiritual activities. Not just that, the chakra can be used in worshipping, religious ceremonies, and astrological remedies as well. Some astrologers recommend it for people who have ‘Naag Dosha’ or ‘Kaalsarp Dosha’ in their horoscope.

Let us see what are its benefits?

Benefits of Gomti Chakra

When an astrologer recommends it to someone, he expects the following benefits:

  • It removes the ‘vastu dosha’ or malefic effects due to imbalanced energy in the house. To overcome this, one should burry 11 chakras in the foundation of the house. It will bring amazing benefits as the negative energy gets subsided.
  • Gomti chakra removes the financial crisis and pleases Goddess Lakshmi. You should wrap seven chakras in a piece of red cloth and keep in the locker or safe where you keep the money. It will bring the blessings of Goddess Laxmi.
  • If Gomti chakras are wrapped in a piece of red cloth and kept in the container of wheat or rice, then there is no scarcity of food in the house.
  • By keeping Gomti chakras in the house, you will be blessed with money, health, and wealth.
  • Gomti chakras are considered beneficial in bringing happiness to a person. It reduces negative thoughts and attracts positivity.
  • It protects from evil forces and negative energy. Gomti chakras create a positive, protective layer around you.
  • If someone is facing prolonged health ailments, then Gomati chakras should be placed under the pillow. They will attract positive energy and help in curing of disease.
  • Those who want to attain higher levels of consciousness and spirituality can also be benefited by Gomti Chakra. Keep them in the place where you meditate or do spiritual practice. It will attract positive energy and vibes.
  • It improves the concentration of students. They can see a great improvement in their studies.

It is the specialty of Gomti chakra that you can use it as yantra and mantra both. Not only in the Hindu religion, but it is considered auspicious in other religions also.

How to buy Gomti Chakra?

Always buy chakras that are smooth and perfectly round in shape. Dented or tainted chakras should not be preferred. The color should be yellowish-brown on the backside. The whirls on the top should be white.

The circular edges should be intact and smooth. Never buy chakras broken at places. It is important to buy chakras from reliable sources. Fake chakras will not bring any benefit to you.

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