Use self-isolation to the best of your advantage

April 27, 2022by wp_sandeepb0

Covid or Coronavirus outbreak has taken the whole world on its knees. There is no country that has been spared by this deadly disease.

When you do not have any cure, prevention is the best medicine. Exactly the same has been happening with Coronavirus.

Nobody has a definite treatment for it. Therefore, keeping people in their houses is the only way to minimize the spread.

Lockdown, self-isolation, quarantine- we have learned so many new terms!

It is not an easy thing to remain self-isolated in the house for days, weeks, and months.

You may consider it fun initially but may turn out to be frustrating gradually.

Is there any way to avoid the frustration and negativity, and turn the self-isolation into an advantage? Ys, it is quite possible.

This blog talks about some tricks that are incredibly easy to implement and amazingly effective.

Being alone is different than being lonely

You may not realize the difference between them, but it is there.

Psychologists say that being alone is a physical condition when someone is forced to stay in a confined area without physically interacting with others.

Being lonely is a mental condition when a person gets isolated emotionally and intellectually with others. It may be possible that there is no physical isolation.

The current situation is when you are supposed to stay in your home because there is a risk outside.

Do not take it as a problem, but a golden chance to understand yourself, your near and dear ones, sharpen a few skills, and to do some things that you always wished for!

Add new facets to your personality

Indeed, it is time to equip yourself with new skills. Learn a language, do experiments in cooking, grow a few vegetables in the terrace garden, play an instrument; the choices are unlimited.

Self-isolation in the current context has opened unlimited avenues in the form of digital media and content.

Researches show that many people actually seek and prefer to stay isolated for some time. It is a period of self-realization when you recognize the strengths and limitations of your personality.

How to take the best advantage of it?

The biggest thing that will make the self-isolation period useful is to bring self-discipline. Consider the period of self-isolation as a limited pool of time. You have to use it optimally.

Create a routine

The period of self-isolation is different. You do not have the pressure of getting ready in the morning hours to rush to the office.

Experts say that it is the reason many people develop lethargy. To overcome it, make a schedule.

Divide the whole day into three parts – active period, moderate period, and lean period.

Typically, morning hours are active period, afternoon hours are lean period, and evening hours are moderate period.

Activities that require maximum attention should be planed during the active period. Activities that need moderate attention can be planned during a moderate period.

Keep the lean period for interesting tasks or leisure activities.

The routine hopefully inspires you to keep going and stay engaged.

Self-isolation can be used to the best of your advantage if you plan it well!

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