
Covid or Coronavirus outbreak has taken the whole world on its knees. There is no country that has been spared by this deadly disease. When you do not have any cure, prevention is the best medicine. Exactly the same has been happening with Coronavirus. Nobody has a definite treatment for it. Therefore, keeping people in...

April 27, 2022scorpioby wp_sandeepb

Every plant has some energy, positive or negative from the perspective of vastu. When you want positivity, energy, and prosperity, it is essential to understand the role of plants in energizing our surroundings. Choosing the right plant is important, but it is equally important to plant it in the right direction. Every plant is associated...

April 27, 2022scorpioby wp_sandeepb

The energy that is the fundamental driving force behind everything in the universe is called cosmic energy. A building is said to be affected by Vastu Dosha when it has imbalanced cosmic energy. The imbalance puts a negative impact on our life and creates several problems and obstacles, e.g., health-related issues, financial problems, obstacles in...

April 27, 2022scorpioby wp_sandeepb

Was there anybody who in the wildest of the imagination thought about the complete shutdown of the entire world just because of a pandemic? Well, there was none. But we are witnessing it today following the outbreak of Covid-19. Life in every country of the world had stopped three months before. Yes, unexpected things happen...

April 27, 2022scorpioby wp_sandeepb
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